सिटिईभिटी गण्डकी प्रदेशद्धारा (2078-2081) डिप्लोमा तहको छात्रवृत्तिको नतिजा प्रकाशित - (नतिजा सहित)

 सिटिईभिटी गण्डकी प्रदेशद्धारा डिप्लोमा तहको छात्रवृत्तिको नतिजा प्रकाशित - (नतिजा सहित)

Diploma / Certificate Level Scholarship Result from CTEVT Gandaki Pradesh: Health (HA, MLT, Radiography, Pharmacy, Dental, Ophthalmic), Engineering (Civil, Automobile, IT, Electrical, Geometrics, Computer) and Agriculture/Forestry/Hotel Management.

Confirmation/Certificate Level Free Classified Scholarship Admission Recommendation from CTEVT Gandaki Pradesh: Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Diploma/Certificate Level Date 2078-04-30 according to distributed data. According to CTEVT ECO Admission Guideline 2074 (Fourth Amendment 2070) for the scholarly meeting 2078/079 in different projects led at confirmation/declaration level in subsidiary, TECS, association, and private level instructive organizations working inside Gandaki region. Understudies wishing to read with the expectation of complimentary grants are encouraged to finish the whole cycle as endorsed by the Examination Control Office inside the specified date and time and check the outcomes for the candidates who have appropriately filled the web-based structure according to the CTEVT Examination Control Office Admission Guidelines. During the time spent distributing the outcomes, the concerned candidates will be considered mindful if the testaments submitted online by the candidates are unique or lacking. Also, in light of this data, the prescribed understudies should take a crack at the assigned instructive establishment by 15 (fifteen) days from the date of distribution of the outcomes (dated 2078-06-05 to 2078-06-19) by contact with the first affirmation letter and different records. The concerned instructive organization ought to have the option to affirm the suggested understudies inside the specified date and advise the workplace recorded as a hard copy inside 3 (three) days of the last date 2078-06-22. On the off chance that the seats of the gathering stay empty without the enlistment of the fundamental understudies suggested inside the specified date, the understudies on the elective rundown as indicated by the capability request will be re-suggested by this office.

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